Personal Blog Archive

Here you will find a compilation of musings by Robert Davis, creator of Light Transitions Media and Frontier Theater.

Resetting The Apple Cart

Resetting The Apple Cart

Was it Pierre Teihard de Chardin, or was it Vallum Votan/Jose Arguelles or perhaps it was Walt Whitman or Heri Bergson or maybe it was Osho or Gurdjieff and then again it could have been Jo Ann Macey or Barbara Marx Hubbard.

Time Is

Time Is

Galloping into the waves of times compression, the choice of admittance determines

the honesty of one’s reality.

Time for A Higher Ku.

Time for A Higher Ku.

At the interface of what is and what is not, we stand united in the befuddlement of next steps.

Where Do We Go From Here

Where Do We Go From Here

At the interface of what is and what is not, we stand united in the befuddlement of next steps.

The Price Is Right

The Price Is Right

Infinitudes of moment to moment possibilities give way to developing pathways. Each unique, each created by the subconscious bio computer to establish the holodeck of our individual realities.

Cracks in the Veil

Cracks in the Veil

The balm is slowly seeping onto the wounded planetary culture, as more soul lights appear serving as harbingers, of a to be healed world.



To what end is the difference to be made? Can a few offset the many?.



How can we create something that has never existed before?

Chances Are

Chances Are

Individuated self realization is the key to surviving the 6th mass extinction event we are participating in.

Pray Tell

Pray Tell

It was a new silence, one that had a crisp scent of potentials. Potentials fresh out of the cosmic box of possibilities. Time seemed to increase offering its balm of dynamic relaxation, a life style yoga of Breath, Witnessing and Grateful Prayer.



There is no getting there, there is only acknowledgment of what is already evident.

Timing and Consequences.

Timing and Consequences.

Timing and Consequences.

Forthright it need be based on the measurement tool called Time. Yet the being is dependent on the doing of the potential doer.

Keith Wyatt

Keith Wyatt

“A Prophet for the Times”Awakening as One founder Keith Wyatt offers us a biblically-charged time-line pregnant with cosmic connections to “The Great Reset”, “The End-Times” and the Apocalypse. Together, Robert and Keith examine the prophecies of the Four Horseman, The Seven Seals, and the Covid Vaccine as precursor to the prophesied “Mark of the Beast” before touching on the Anunnaki and Pleiadian Star Cultures, and the 5th Dimensional destination of Humankind.

Having It In Your Blood

Having It In Your Blood

The eternal will to survive divided by the sheer amazement at what life is, deliciously hides at the roots and sprigs of an emerging paradigm, a paradigm that bears witness to the sacred dream of life, all life and on all dimensions.

Please and Thank You

Please and Thank You

Congratulations on being alive at this moment in time.  As part of a holographic universe and biocentric revelation you and we have been given the prestigious opportunity of creating a new time-line for Planet Earths evolution, a time-line that we carry, each of us, via a genetic code.

How about now

How about now

Head long and feet first we have arrived.

A process of self-articulation with embodiment is at hand.

Cutting through the Mix

Cutting through the Mix

As a new collective reality fast approaches it beckons for a periscopial perspective. One that ascends above the clutter of dysfunctional parental misinformation.

Solutions Are Us

Solutions Are Us

Seeking a parentalized savior, albeit political or metaphysical is not the Us approach key that fits into the survival lock needed at this time.

Utterly Possible

Utterly Possible

Besides the Astrological Karmic influences resides a source seed filled with light.  I believe we have always had it and it is an adaptogen for our dance into an awakened co-creation, a quantum harmonic geared to survival of self and creation outside and within us.

Post Whack

Post Whack

To some it may be surprising, but I believe to a vast many it will be old news awakened and or partially intuited news that gives relief as to the spaciousness of who and what we are.

The Neitherlands

The Neitherlands

It is now a step up, the new field is clean and awaits the answers for a positive new day.

Let’s go early to the dance

Let’s go early to the dance

Where we are, is the place to start, whatever one can do to create their deep peace and rest fully in their Heartfull allowance of entrainment with the light.

What About Next

What About Next

Evolution pursuant to transitioning systems results from timeless Karmas reflecting the past and the future. Pivot points along the spiral geometry of the evolutionary saga organically self correct sometimes with bumps, on a multitude of dimensional fields, we are a Starship getting ready to set sail into a rarefied sea of possibilities.