Personal Blog Archive

Here you will find a compilation of musings by Robert Davis, creator of Light Transitions Media and Frontier Theater.

Ending The Cycle

I found a tool for Light Yoga on the Daily Om: "Today we can make the choice to end a cycle or way of being that is not in alignment with our soul’s desire." "One of the hardest things in life is feeling stuck in a situation that we don’t like and want to change. We...

Can We Change The World With Intention?

Recently, the writer and polymath Ken Wilbur brought the amazing life and work of Mahendra Trivedi to my attention. Trivedi (also known as Guruji), founder of Trivedi Foundation, an emerging world leader and pioneer of ushering in the next evolutionary leap for...

The Period of Definition

Filmmaker and Awakening As One co-creator Keith Wyatt has produced a video update to his Prophecy film. This update is called “The Definition” and is what Keith calls an “addendum” to the trilogy. According to the Mayans September 23rd, 2010 marks our entrance into a...

Greeting Divinity

I'd like to share a horoscope I read recently, that contains an important message for all of us. "A feeling of love may wash over you today as you effortlessly recognize the divinity in others, as well as in yourself. This will allow you to feel the peace of...

A New Day

In the morning remember it is a new day, a new beginning. Have a decision deep in your heart that: "Today I am not going to waste this opportunity. Enough is enough! Today I am going to be aware, today I am going to be alert, today I am going to devote as much energy...

Sending Yourself Sunshine

I came across a nice essay this morning on Daily Om that highlights an essential pathway in the Light Transitions framework. "The more we accept our darkness as one part of the picture, the more easily we can also allow and accept our light. When things go wrong, it...

Every Moment

One of my favorite Osho meditations: "Meditation cannot be a fragmented thing. It should be a continuous effort. Every moment one has to be alert, aware and meditative. But the mind has played a trick. You meditate in the morning and then you put it aside. Or you pray...

Awakening As One: The Prophecy

The third video in the Awakening As One trilogy has been released. If you haven't already, I encourage you to view the first two parts of this important series: The Call, and The Plan. The trilogy represents an important co-creation between the filmmaker Keith Wyatt,...

The Art of Jumping Timelines

The teacher and sound healer Tom Kenyon has shared a new Hathor Planetary Message that I wanted to share with you in its entirety.  You can learn more about Tom and the Hathors at Although it may seem paradoxical to some, your timeline—your...

The Vibrational Frequency of Love

Love is an upliftment of the vibrational frequency level of "normal reality." "As above, so below" becomes a clear axiom for integrational observation and acceptance of reality. Connectivity is heightened, and joy becomes a corollary of rightful, attentive action....

Coming Together

"The new human type will be found scattered more or less  over the thinking face of the globe. Some apparent  attraction draws these scattered elements together and  causes them to unite among themselves. You have only to take two people in a gathering endowed with...

Moving Through Darkness

Daily Om recently posted a meditation on "The Places We Go."  In large measure, it explains why my own Light Transitions method is available. --- Often it takes something major to wake us up, to shake us loose from our ego's grip as it struggles to maintain an...

The Healing Path of the Wounded Healer

The author and artist Pamela Wells recently posted a very important essay on what we call "wounded healers." I encourage you to read it and think about its application in your own situation. I've included the essay below - and you can also view it on Pamela's site....

New Interview: Sally Jordan Austin

Please enjoy the new interview with Sally Jordan Austin on Light Transitions Radio. A dynamic description of Planetary potentials that are aligned fully with the Divine.

Light Transitions Radio

Light Transitions Radio

I'm excited to announce a new venture dedicated to transformation. Light Transitions Radio is a dialogue about personal and planetary change with innovators and creators who are living change, and making transformation possible. My mission at Light Transition Radio is...

Awakening As One: The Plan

I hope you enjoyed the first of the "Awakening as One" video series - The Call. It is a compelling statement of positive transformation. A movement of individual and planetary awakening is beginning to coalesce and grow, and the tools of digital media lead the way....

The Prophet’s Journey

Insightful spiritual leaders are able to peer deeply beneath the surface reality of life and experience how intricately connected every life form is, and how the composite of all life is intelligent far beyond an individual's capability to both perceive and express....

Awakening As One: The Call

You will be hearing more in the coming days about individual and planetary awakening. A movement is beginning to coalesce and grow, and the tools of digital media lead the way. Please take the time to view this video - The Call, and after you are done, either contact...

Searching for Connection and Wholeness

After consciousness initially enters a human body, it is fragmented into a physical, emotional, and mental spectrum of perception and expression. From the day of birth onward, human consciousness is conditioned to adapt into, and navigate within the limited...

The Hierarchical Paradigm

Within the many-layered hierarchies so prevalent in many aspects of this world, those in high positions of power have attempted to guide the development of all humankind. In so doing, they have subtly obscured the direct connection between the individual and the...

Changing Patterns

Light Transitions is about changing patterns and subsequently allowing for transformation. Recently, I came upon a very nice essay on the Daily Om website about changing patterns that I'd like to share with you. Begetting Change Same Choices. Same Results. If our...

Consciousness Bridges You With Existence

Being alert and being attentive to source energy is the magic key that unlocks the door of our rightful connection to all existence. It is now time for us individually and collectively to open to the 5th dimension of existence. An existence that softly awaits our...


Zazen is a deep unoccupiedness - not doing anything outwardly, not doing anything inwardly. It is not even meditation because when you meditate you are making some sort of effort, you are trying to do something: chanting a mantra, remembering God, or even remembering...

Moving to Higher Ground

Jean Hudon has written a Meditation Focus called "Moving to Higher Ground," which dovetails nicely with the Light Transitions method. I hope you find it useful. "The Time Has Come to let go of all our past certainties and to open ourselves to the higher callings we...

Embracing Trust

Trust is one of the most powerful concepts to embrace. When you feel like you are dying and no once can explain it empirically, you are given last rites to the task of Trust. When your tactile reference points are stripped away from you and Spirit is the most tangible...