

Yes Enabling a Decentralized World How can we create something that has never existed before? Robert W Malone MD, MS                     The essay that follows is not intended to describe a solution, but rather to outline a process suitable for structuring,...
Chances Are

Chances Are

   Chances Are   Individuated self realization is the key to surviving the 6th mass extinction event we are participating in. 21 of the last 23 civilizations that we exoterically catalogue as our history, have failed. What common denominator can be cast to...
Pray Tell

Pray Tell

                                        Pray Tell   It was a new silence, one that had a crisp scent of potentials. Potentials fresh out of the cosmic box of possibilities. Time seemed to increase offering its balm of dynamic relaxation, a life style yoga of...
Attentive Acquiescence

Attentive Acquiescence

                                                Attentive Acquiescence     The maze of rightful action is alive with pulsating possibilities. The holographic portrayal of spaceship earth is perfect yet expectationally imbalanced, in regard to the mitigation...


                                                         Omniversing.                                                                    There is no getting there, there is only acknowledgment of what is already evident.Disclosure of who and what we are is at hand,...
Timing and Consequences.

Timing and Consequences.

                                                                Timing and Consequences. Forthright it need be based on the measurement tool called Time. Yet the being is dependent on the doing of the potential doer. So many doers per soul, makes one ponder who is...