by Robert | Sep 1, 2010 | Individual Transformation, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, Trust
I came across a nice essay this morning on Daily Om that highlights an essential pathway in the Light Transitions framework. “The more we accept our darkness as one part of the picture, the more easily we can also allow and accept our light. When things go...
by Robert | Jul 20, 2010 | Audio Archive, Change, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, Planetary Transformation, Trust
Daily Om recently posted a meditation on “The Places We Go.” In large measure, it explains why my own Light Transitions method is available. — Often it takes something major to wake us up, to shake us loose from our ego’s grip as it struggles...
by Robert | Jul 14, 2010 | 5th Dimension, Audio Archive, Change, Individual Transformation, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, Trust
The author and artist Pamela Wells recently posted a very important essay on what we call “wounded healers.” I encourage you to read it and think about its application in your own situation. I’ve included the essay below – and you can also view...
by Robert | Jul 8, 2010 | 5th Dimension, Audio Archive, Change, Individual Transformation, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, Planetary Transformation, Trust
Please enjoy the new interview with Sally Jordan Austin on Light Transitions Radio. A dynamic description of Planetary potentials that are aligned fully with the Divine.
by Robert | Jun 16, 2010 | 5th Dimension, Change, Individual Transformation, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, Trust
Insightful spiritual leaders are able to peer deeply beneath the surface reality of life and experience how intricately connected every life form is, and how the composite of all life is intelligent far beyond an individual’s capability to both perceive and...
by Robert | May 14, 2010 | Change, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, Trust
Trust is one of the most powerful concepts to embrace. When you feel like you are dying and no once can explain it empirically, you are given last rites to the task of Trust. When your tactile reference points are stripped away from you and Spirit is the most tangible...