by Robert | Jul 8, 2010 | 5th Dimension, Audio Archive, Change, Individual Transformation, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, Planetary Transformation, Trust
Please enjoy the new interview with Sally Jordan Austin on Light Transitions Radio. A dynamic description of Planetary potentials that are aligned fully with the Divine.
by Robert | Jul 5, 2010 | Audio Archive, Green Business Design, Healing, Light Transitions Musings, Miracles, News, Planetary Transformation
I’m excited to announce a new venture dedicated to transformation. Light Transitions Radio is a dialogue about personal and planetary change with innovators and creators who are living change, and making transformation possible. My mission at Light Transition...
by Robert | Jun 25, 2010 | Audio Archive, Change, Individual Transformation, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, News, Planetary Transformation, Video Archive
I hope you enjoyed the first of the “Awakening as One” video series – The Call. It is a compelling statement of positive transformation. A movement of individual and planetary awakening is beginning to coalesce and grow, and the tools of digital...
by Robert | Jun 9, 2010 | 5th Dimension, Change, Individual Transformation, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, News, Planetary Transformation, Video Archive
You will be hearing more in the coming days about individual and planetary awakening. A movement is beginning to coalesce and grow, and the tools of digital media lead the way. Please take the time to view this video – The Call, and after you are done, either...
by Robert | Jun 7, 2010 | 5th Dimension, Change, Individual Transformation, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, Planetary Transformation
After consciousness initially enters a human body, it is fragmented into a physical, emotional, and mental spectrum of perception and expression. From the day of birth onward, human consciousness is conditioned to adapt into, and navigate within the limited...
by Robert | Jun 6, 2010 | Change, Individual Transformation, Life Coaching, Light Transitions Musings, Planetary Transformation
Within the many-layered hierarchies so prevalent in many aspects of this world, those in high positions of power have attempted to guide the development of all humankind. In so doing, they have subtly obscured the direct connection between the individual and the...