Drew Kampion
Author | Surfer | Artist
About Drew Kampion
Drew Kampion is a former editor of SURFER (1968-72), SURFING (1973-82), WIND SURF (1982-89), and WIND TRACKS (1996-99) magazines. He was Editorial Director for the Patagonia clothing company (1990-91) and Associate Editor for NEW AGE JOURNAL (1992). He founded, published, and edited the ISLAND INDEPENDENT (1993-96), an award-winning “bioregional magazine in newsprint,” serving the “maritime rainshadow” islands of Washington State. He was the American Editor of THE SURFER’S PATH, world’s first “green” surf magazine (2003-2009). Most recently he created a micro-local email network, called drewslist, which is creating a new template for 21st-century communities.
Drew is the author of THE BOOK OF WAVES (1989), THE ART OF CHRISTIAN RIESE LASSEN (1991), STOKED: A HISTORY OF SURF CULTURE (1997, revised 2003), THE WAY OF THE SURFER (2003), THE LOST COAST (2004), WAVES: FROM SURFING TO TSUNAMI (2005), DORA LIVES: THE AUTHORIZED STORY OF MIKI DORA (2005), and GREG NOLL: THE ART OF THE SURFBOARD (2007), and JACK O’NEILL: IT’S ALWAYS SUMMER ON THE INSIDE (2011). Most recently, he is one of five authors of the giant Taschen book, SURFING (2016).
Married with two children, Drew lives on an island in Washington State.