Frontier  Theater

Invites you to view its most recent addition to its Premiere Interview series, whereby Robert Davis’ discussions with wizened guests and luminaries bring listeners to new frontiers of thought and vision, where a positive new planetary culture becomes possible.

Premiere Interview with Keith Wyatt, July 11th, 2021

 Keith Wyatt
Author, Filmmaker and Student of Prophecy

“A Prophet for the Times”Awakening as One founder Keith Wyatt offers us a biblically-charged time-line pregnant with cosmic connections to “The Great Reset”, “The End-Times” and the Apocalypse. Together, Robert and Keith examine the prophecies of the Four Horseman, The Seven Seals, and the Covid Vaccine as precursor to the prophesied “Mark of the Beast” before touching on the Anunnaki and Pleiadian Star Cultures, and the 5th Dimensional destination of Humankind.

These times call for a new lens of perception, one that embraces the Omniverse as our context for reality. Keith provides us with a pathway to this plane of understanding via a tripartite mantra of peace, seeking, and service; where one answers the call to seek truth, not only for oneself, but for all living beings, on Planet Earth… and beyond.

Join us for the journey.

Love, Robert

Interview – Robert and Keith explore the good news inherent in the purposeful, prophesied, and fast-approaching “Days of Tribulation.” Click on the image above to view.
Keith’s Background
Keith Wyatt is a student of prophecy, whose 10 year investigation into end-times tales from cultures around the world has revealed the divine purpose that the prophesied “Days of Tribulation” play in assisting humanity’s spiritual evolution; for, Keith’s own spiritual practices have shown him that the only way through the fear and suffering in one’s soul… is through it.


Thus, awakened to the essential role that hardships play in assisting the soul’s growth, Keith’s prouction company, Awakening As One, has spent the last 10 years making documentary films aimed at uplifting souls by awakening them to the divine purpose and perfection of life, and the Testing Times.

To view the recently released “The Testing Times” and the viral video sensation “Armageddon: The War Within” feel free to visit
or click on the image below.

To view “The Testing Times”

    & Keith’s extended Bio click on the link below.
