Polona Somrak is the founder of Ascension Pioneers, an online platform based on Divine Love, Higher Awareness, Wisdom and Empowerment through Freedom and the Joy of Being.
Polona’s vision is to connect with all “Ascension Pioneers” and spread the message of Divine Love and Higher Awareness in these intense times of awakening and self empowerment.
Polona began her own awakening in 2010. She describes the experience in her own biography.
Her key realization, which has led her to Ascension Pioneers is that:
We all need to undergo several initiations of Spirit in order to become fully Source infused, although we are always and eternally already Source Beings of Love and Light. After I reconnected back to the Self, I started sourcing, and for me, this is the highest aspect of Being. This means to be fully connected to All That Is at all times, to live the God/Goddess that we are and to let the Source speak through us, and show us who we truly are. When we achieve this, we no longer need anyone else to tell us things about us and our path, because we just know and we are determined to follow it! We are the Path, we are the Mission! We are the Blessing, the Gift and the Miracle!
So on my path, I discovered that I truly AM an Ascension Pioneer, and that I AM here to guide others in their own Ascension process along the way. That is why I hope that my path and mostly the Divine Light and Love within me can help You to better help yourself. Because no one can ever help anyone, we can only open doors for each other and point towards something greater! So, this is me.
And who are You? I hope my story triggered some of your own inner Self remembrance. We are all here to support and love each other anyway. So who are You, really? Do You know why You are here? I sure do! And here I AM, walking an ongoing journey of Self empowerment. It brings me the greatest Joy!